What Can a Speech Therapy Service Do For You?

Speech therapy services can assist those with communication issues, such as swallowing. Furthermore, these professionals work on social skills like interacting with friends and family.

speech therapy service AdelaideIf you’re a therapist, accessing the electronic medical record and practice management software can help keep you organised and write concise notes.


Formal and informal assessments will assess your child’s speech and language skills. The evaluation will be tailored specifically for your child based on age, communication style, and any concerns you or the teachers have identified.

The speech therapy service Adelaide therapist will spend time with your child, asking questions and listening carefully to their responses. It helps guarantee they feel comfortable while giving you the best service possible.

Following your evaluation, your therapist will provide you with a detailed report detailing professional impressions, recommendations and goals (if services are recommended). This report is often given to school officials to determine if additional support is necessary for your child.

Your child’s therapist may ask you to attend a follow-up appointment to assess progress and provide you with activities and strategies for at-home use that address any areas of concern outside the clinic setting.

A comprehensive speech and language evaluation may require up to five sessions, each lasting 45 minutes to two hours, with formal and informal testing components.

Your therapist will also examine your child’s oral musculature to assess their ability to produce sound. It is an integral part of their development and should not be neglected.

If your child struggles with speech or language issues, contact a speech therapy service today! Our mission is to help your child acquire the necessary skills for success and enhance their quality of life.

At speech therapy service Adelaide, we take great pleasure in serving patients of all ages and can assist you through the process. Whether your child is attending school, receiving private therapy, or has a specific diagnosis – we are here to provide support every step of the way.


Whether you’re working with toddlers or adults, assessment at a speech therapy service is critical for determining the most effective course of action. Your therapist can use standardised tools or collect information through informal assessment methods such as classroom observations and language samples.

A speech therapy service Adelaide evaluation can identify several areas, such as swallowing, speech, voice and communication, and cognition (thinking and understanding). Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) specialise in this type of service with extensive education and training that makes them qualified to deliver it effectively.

Your therapist will review your child’s medical records, education history, socioeconomic background and linguistic heritage to understand their needs better. They then administer various assessments to gauge progress and identify any areas for further attention.

The therapist will then create a plan for your child’s care, which includes goals and milestones to monitor progress. They collaborate closely with other professionals so everyone communicates effectively on the same page.

Many individuals with speech disorders can enhance their abilities through practice at home or in the community with a speech therapist. It may include reading aloud, playing word games and working on memory skills.

A speech therapist will collaborate with you to set achievable targets for your child’s therapy. It will enable them to monitor their progress and give regular updates to you regarding their progress.

Your therapist may conduct an initial assessment with your child during an initial session, which includes playing with toys or showing pictures to them. They then ask questions to better comprehend your child’s language strengths and needs.


Speech therapy services can assist with various speech disorders and communication skills. They may also benefit those suffering from eating/swallowing issues or cognitive disorders like aphasia (difficulty speaking).

Speech-language pathologists provide speech therapy services. This allied health profession specialises in assessing, diagnosing and treating communication disorders, speech and language impairments and swallowing difficulties across all ages. It’s a distinct professional healthcare field with worldwide practice.