How to Defrost and Prepare Frozen Prawns

Frozen prawns can be a lifesaver on a busy night and can be used in many recipes. The key to a successful frozen prawns meal is how it’s defrosted and prepared. frozen prawnsYou can cook prawns from frozen in various ways, from running them under cold water to reheating them gently in a wok. The techniques vary, but they all leave you with delicious, fresh-tasting prawns.


Frozen prawns offer the convenience of being readily available year-round. However, they must be adequately defrosted to ensure a delicious and safe dish. If not, prawns can turn soggy and lose their flavour, leading to food poisoning that will have you running for the toilet.

The best way to defrost frozen prawns is to leave them in the fridge overnight, guaranteeing they are fully thawed and ready for cooking. If you are short on time, you can also run cold water over the prawns to speed up the process. However, it is essential to note that if you choose to do this, the prawns should be cooked immediately after thawed, as overcooking them will result in dry and tough prawns.

Another option is to place the frozen prawns in a bowl of cold water and move them around every 30 minutes. This method will take longer than the fridge-freezing technique, but it is ideal for those on a tight schedule or who do not have access to a refrigerator. Adding a tablespoon of salt to the water is also recommended, as this will accelerate the defrosting process. It is important to remember that you should never use a microwave to defrost fish, shellfish or crustaceans, as they will not thaw evenly and may start cooking from the inside out.


Prawns are quick and easy to cook from frozen, but they must be adequately defrosted before cooking. Otherwise, they could be squishy, mushy, or even overcooked and rubbery.

Thawing prawns is simple and can be done in a few different ways, all of which take less than 20 minutes. The most common method involves running them under cold water. You can add aromatics and other flavours to the water, such as half a lemon with the juice squeezed in, a few cloves of garlic, some parsley, or a pinch of black peppercorns.

Another way to thaw prawns is to put them in the refrigerator overnight. It is a good option for people who don’t have much time. However, it is essential to note that frozen prawns develop bacteria faster than fresh ones.

To avoid this, placing the prawns in a bowl or colander that is big enough to sit in and covering them with cold water is best. Change the water frequently or at least every 15-20 minutes. It will help ensure the prawns are not sitting in the thawing water long enough to develop bacteria. When the prawns are fully defrosted, they will have a soft texture and look much like when they were freshly caught.


When boiling frozen prawns, you can prepare them just as fresh ones. It’s a great way to make your family a quick and easy dinner. The prawns will cook in a fraction of the time compared to thawing them out, and you can add any spices, herbs and flavourings you like.

You should boil prawns for 3-6 minutes to ensure they are cooked thoroughly. After boiling, they should be well drained and allowed to cool down before use. This step is essential because if the prawns are left uncooked for too long, different bacteria may grow and be poisonous.

To check if the prawns are fresh, look at their shells. They should be shiny and have a smooth surface with no black spots or marks. They should also have a firm body texture. Another indication that they are fresh is a strong aroma.

Professional processing plants use high-quality equipment to prevent physical damage when freezing prawns. As a result, frozen prawns are often just as good as those that come straight out of the sea. Moreover, with ITC Master Chef prawns, each one is individually quick frozen (IQF), which means they are not clumped together and can be easily separated when cooking. The prawns are also vacuum-packed to eliminate air bubbles. It helps preserve their freshness, taste and texture for longer.